Prioritize public education and teachers
Kentucky has to compete for the best and brightest with neighboring states. Matt will prioritize public education in Frankfort. He will work to secure raises for public school teachers and he will push to invest in pre-K and childcare for Kentucky’s families.

Improve access to medical, dental, and mental health treatment
Matt has worked his entire career in the medical field and understands the challenges we face for high-quality and cost-effective healthcare. Matt will work to improve access for all Kentuckians to quality health care, including dental, vision, mental health, and addiction treatment.

Restore & protect reproductive rights
Kentucky’s Republican supermajority in the legislature has implemented among the country’s most restrictive abortion bans. This has endangered the health of women in Kentucky and unfairly penalizes victims of rapre and incest by removing all options for these girls and women. Matt will advocate for comprehensive reproductive healthcare for all. Together, we can safeguard the rights and health of our community.

Support Kentucky’s workers
Matt will be an advocate for good wages, safe working conditions, and fair labor rights in Kentucky. A lifting economic tide should lift all boats in Kentucky – not just a connected few.

Invest in our infrastructure
Kentucky needs investment in our critical infrastructure to remain competitive – roads, bridges, clean water, high speed internet, public transit. Importantly for Northern Kentucky, we are starting construction of the Brent Spence companion bridge (without tolls!) and a new 4th Street bridge to connect Newport and Covington. Matt is a strong advocate for investing in critical Northern Kentucky infrastructure. And he will be a thoughtful steward of taxpayer funds to be sure these projects are done the right way.

Deliver economic opportunities
Gov. Beshear’s leadership has resulted in the best economic growth and job creation in Kentucky history. Matt will support the Governor’s agenda to ensure Kentucky is the best place to live, work, and raise a family. Kentucky can be a place where every opportunity is available here without needing to leave the state.